Expert advisory panel appointed in N.S. to improve long-term care

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Expérience des soins
septembre 06, 2018

A recent bedsore-related death has prompted the province to require all long-term care facilities to immediately report the number of bedsores and the severity of them in their facilities. The province’s health minister has now appointed an advisory panel to look at ways to improve long-term care. The three-member panel consists of:

  • Janice Keefe, chair - director of Mount Saint Vincent University’s Nova Scotia Centre on Aging;
  • Dr. Greg Archibald - family doctor, wound care expert and head of Dalhousie University’s Department of Family Medicine; and
  • Cheryl Smith- nurse practitioner, educator focusing on polypharmacy and dementia care.

The panel will make recommendations on staffing levels, skills and advise on recruitment and retention of long-term care staff. It will review quality of care and focus on wound care, patient and worker safety, and protection of vulnerable persons. The panel was tasked to report back by Nov. 30.

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