Ontario Psychiatrists' report points to inequity, gap in patient access to care, calls for better incentives for rural care

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août 13, 2018

Ontario Psychiatrists says that access to mental health services is being severely impacted by a shortage of psychiatrists. Its report points to a shortage of 200 psychiatrists across the province, and that this shortfall will grow by 75% by 2030. The group believes change in demographics (psychiatrists approaching retirement), recruitment challenges and lack of incentives within the practice are to blame for the shortage. The report shows these challenges can be reversed and access to treatment improved dramatically if the government:

  • Improves psychiatry exposure in medical school: Increase the duration of medical students' pre-clerkship exposure to psychiatry to at least six weeks;
  • Increases psychiatry residency spots and reduces residency vacancies; and
  • Makes psychiatry attractive again by offering better incentives as well as offering incentives in rural and underserved areas to support retention.
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