U.S. health system, Merck launch applications to help improve patient communication, care delivery

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août 14, 2018

Pennsylvania-based health system Geisinger and Merck rolled out two web-based workflow products they believe will help improve health outcomes:

  1. The Family Caregiver Application, which aims to improve communication and coordination of care for patients and their caregivers. It includes:

    • A calendar that integrates appointments and helps coordinate care (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.);
    • Patient-managed medication scheduler based on daily activities; and
    • Information on healthcare team members, including roles and contact numbers.
  2. The MedTrue Application, which integrates medication data to assist with medication reconciliation and adherence, resulting in a patient- and care team-verified medication list. It includes:
    • Medication fill data;
    • Patient web interface for patient-reported medication verification, changes, and adherence, accessible in the home or upon arrival at a healthcare facility; and
    • Healthcare team web interface through the patient's EMR.
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