Hamilton’s SMArTVIEW trial aims to have patients recovering from major surgery at home

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Expérience des soins
août 30, 2018

Researchers at McMaster University want to bridge the gap between hospital and home for patients who undergo major surgery. Their SMArTVIEW project includes technology to wirelessly monitor patients' vital signs on the ward. It's also a hospital-to-home system that tracks vital signs once patients go home that cna alert the hospital of any issues. The system’s being tested to determine whether it can prevent readmissions, complications and deaths that can happen in the weeks after heart surgery. It also includes information on what to expect in recovery, healthy practices for best recovery, goal setting, a messaging system with the nurses and a forum to have dialogue with other recovering patients. The trial includes a daily video chat with a nurse. Still, researchers say the successful integration of new technology into the healthcare practice can’t be done without the support and expertise of a team extending beyond providers which includes IT, biomedical technology and informatics professionals.

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