C.D. Howe: Rich men outlive poorest counterparts by 8 years; 3-year gap between rich, poor women

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Santé de la population
août 23, 2018

A report from the C.D. Howe Institute suggests the highest-earning men born between 1923 and 1955 live to about 86 years old. However, the poorest among them live to just over 75. The gap between women isn't as wide, with richer females living to age 86, while the life expectancy of their poorest counterparts is 83. The institute offered no reason about the cause of the gaps, however, it suggests that differential longevity alters the net balance of contributions and benefits across high and low earners.
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Rich Canadians are outliving the poor, strikingly so among men - The Globe and Mail (sub. req.)

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