eConsult reduces long wait times for consultation with a specialist

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Expérience des soins
juillet 31, 2018

Champlain BASE (Building Access to Specialists through eConsultation), known as eConsult, offers doctors and nurse practitioners in Ontario the online version of a quick chat about a puzzling case with a colleague in a hospital hallway. The web-based platform is a collaboration that includes about 200 specialists in 59 specialty areas. There are between 350 and 400 eConsults happening weekly in Champlain LHIN alone. eConsult doesn’t replace a face-to-face consult, but users say it helps to get treatment started while the patient is waiting. It’s available across Ontario through the Ontario Telemedicine Network and has expanded to other provinces. The platform also has a potential for improving equity of access for those in remote and rural areas, for seniors who find it difficult to travel, and for those in long-term care.
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