Grand Bank and Burin Peninsula eliminate wait times for mental health and addictions services

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Expérience des soins
juillet 31, 2018

A flurry of suicides in the province’s Grand Bank and Burin Peninsula region prompted outcry from residents, demanding better availability of mental health and addictions services. One year later, the provincial government announced changes in primary care services delivery in the area resulted in eliminating wait times for mental health and addictions counselling services, which used to be as long as eight months. The province says it eliminated wait times by moving to a same-day walk-in service. Other steps the province has taken include:

  • Partnering with area schools to offer mental health and wellness courses, services and walk-in sessions;
  • Delivering presentations and courses, such as Anxiety 101 and Improving Health My Way, to community groups and workplaces;
  • Organizing mindfulness nature walks in partnership with communities;
  • Providing ongoing mental health and addictions education to first responders; and
  • Delivering self-care presentations to students.
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