Australia cuts child care payments for parents who don't vaccinate their children

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juillet 16, 2018

Australia is cracking down on the anti-vaccination movement, cutting tax credits for parents who don't keep their kids' vaccines up to date. The country’s No Jab, No Pay policy means families with kids who don’t have up-to-date vaccines will no longer be eligible for childcare welfare benefits. That policy was updated so that families with children who aren't fully vaccinated will lose an end of year supplement worth A$737. Its updated policy began in July so families will now lose A$28, biweekly from their family tax credits – a fine that works out to the same cost as the original lump sum deduction and the government is hoping it will resonate more. As of March 2018, data by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows immunization rates were on the rise across the entire country.
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