Infoway finds access to digital health e-services helps avoid unnecessary hospital visits

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juillet 12, 2018

A study conducted by SRDC (Social Research and Demonstration Corporation) for Infoway finds that both Canadians and the healthcare system benefit when patients can access their personal health records (PHRs) online and use digital health e-services. With current rates of digital health technology adoption, the study indicates Canadians collectively reap approximately $119 to $150 million in value each year, measured by avoiding time off work, and travel and other costs associated with a trip to the doctor's office. Meanwhile, those adoption rates generate $106 to $134 million in value to the health system as a result of fewer unnecessary phone calls, in-person visits and fewer trips to the emergency department. Infoway says current figures reflect relatively low availability and use rates of between 3% and 12%. It expects that when adoption 50%, the value of benefits would jump to between $720 and $746 million for the healthcare system and another $940 million for patients.

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