CIHI: Repeat hip and knee replacements in Canada cost $130M

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juillet 19, 2018

In 2016, 9,400 hip and knee replacement revisions were performed in Canada. The demand for these surgeries continues to grow and the CIHI says repeat surgeries can benefit from improvements in short- and long-term revision rates. The institute warns these revisions cost about $130 million in inpatient care annually, with an average cost of $13,700 per surgery. This is more than 56% higher than the cost of a primary joint replacement. CIHI shows that between 2012 and 2016, the proportion of hip revision surgeries performed each year decreased by 16%, while the proportion of knee revision surgeries stayed the same. CIHI doesn’t offer any solutions but feels it’s important to find opportunities to reduce these additional surgeries, as they have an especially negative outcome for a patient’s quality of life and they costs the healthcare system a lot of money.
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