Nova Scotia hires four orthopedic surgeons to reduce hip and knee replacement surgery delays

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juillet 10, 2018

The Nova Scotia Health Authority is adding four orthopedic surgeons to its ranks to reduce wait times for hip and knee replacement surgeries. The health authority aims to provide anyone requiring surgery to have it within Canada's benchmark by March 31, 2020. Nova Scotia has the longest waits for hip and knee replacements among provinces. The Canadian Institute for Health Information says the benchmark for Canada is 182 days, and that 51% of Nova Scotians needing hip replacement receive surgery within 182 days, while some patients wait nearly two years for the procedure. For knee replacements, 34% of patients in Nova Scotia get care within 182 days. The surgeries will take place in Halifax, Dartmouth, Kentville, New Glasgow and Sydney. The government is investing $16 million over two years to reduce wait times for hip and knee replacements.

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