Federal government invests $70M to help Atlantic Canadians access EHRs, e-prescribing

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juillet 10, 2018

The federal government will spend $70 million to help Atlantic Canadians get access to their health records electronically and see doctors use an e-prescribing program that will send prescriptions to the pharmacy digitally. Federal Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor made the announcement alongside Atlantic Canada's four premiers at an Atlantic Growth Strategy meeting. Petitpas Taylor says the move will allow patients to access digital health programs or their records, while physicians will be able to share patient information with specialists. Dubbed "Access Atlantic," the initiative will create a "digital health ecosystem across the Atlantic provinces" and implement an electronic prescription service. The New Brunswick Medical Society welcomes the move, stating that roughly half of doctors outside of the province's hospitals currently use an electronic records system. The society has a for-profit company called Velante to manage the creation of an electronic medical records system for physicians and healthcare providers, and recently signed a deal with the provincial government to discount the price for private doctors to purchase the system. However, the system doesn't allow New Brunswickers to see their own records digitally. Meanwhile, e-prescribing also doesn’t exist in New Brunswick.
La Stratégie de croissance pour l’Atlantique produit des résultats pour les gens du Canada atlantique - Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique
Atlantic provinces and Canada Health Infoway collaborate to improve access to healthcare and drive economic growth through digital health - Infoway
Les provinces de l'Atlantique et Inforoute Santé du Canada collaborent afin d'améliorer l'accès aux soins et de promouvoir la croissance économique grâce à la santé numérique - Inforoute
Feds to spend to help Atlantic Canadians see health records online - Telegraph-Journal
Atlantic growth strategy highlights digital health, immigration and trade - CBC News
N.B. editorial: Build on electronic records funding for deeper healthcare solutions - Telegraph-Journal

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