Canadian review offers physicians guidance on caring for dementia patients and their caregivers

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Expérience des soins
juillet 06, 2018

The CMAJ published a review advising community-based healthcare providers in Canada to be aware of local services and resources to help patients with dementia and their caregivers. The researchers offer guidance to healthcare providers, health system planners and government officials on caring for people with dementia and their caregiver, highlighting the importance of:

  • Early detection of dementia as a first step for accessing services by proactive identification of people at risk instead of by broad population screening programs;
  • Getting patient history of cognitive and functional changes, medication, cognitive screening tests, blood work and possibly neuroimaging to accurately evaluate dementia;
  • Community-based supports (i.e., in-home support services, caregiver education and training and respite programs);
  • Caregiver education programs and coordination of care as an efficient and cost-effective way to delay placement in long-term care facilities; and
  • Reducing caregiver stress to keep people with dementia at home for a longer period.
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