Caraquet senior develops stage 4 bedsore; family seeks answers regarding hospital care

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Expérience des soins
juillet 12, 2018

An 82-year-old Caraquet woman was cycled through four hospitals after falling and breaking her hip and was eventually transferred to the Tracadie-Sheila hospital, at which time she had already developed a bed sore. Several weeks later, her bedsore had become so severe that nurses brought cat litter into the room to try to get rid of the smell. The bedsore developed on her lower back after she went into hospital for hip surgery. Vitalité Health Network hasn't commented on the specific case. A V.A.C. Veraflo machine was eventually brought in to drain the bedsore, but the patient's family says nurses initially didn't know what the equipment was or how to use it. The family alleges that their questions and requests that their mother be transferred to a hospital in Moncton or Bathurst were answered with a growing hostility. Her children have had no access to her medical file, which they hope can help them better understand what happened. The patient was eventually transferred to the Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont hospital, where a treatment plan confirmed the family's suspicion the bedsore was stage four, the worst possible.
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