Ambulance New Brunswick earns Accreditation Canada 'Accredited with Exemplary Standing' ranking

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Expérience des soins
juillet 10, 2018

Accreditation Canada awarded Ambulance New Brunswick (ANB) its Accredited with Exemplary Standing, making it the only EMS organization in Canada to earn the designation. Medavie Health Services NB says the third-party assessment means quality improvement is engrained in its organizational culture and validates the efforts been made to improve the quality and safety of its services. The accreditation cycle touches the entire organization - paramedics, dispatchers and flight nurses, as well as support teams.
Ambulance Nouveau-Brunswick se voit décerner la plus haute désignation d'Agrément Canada - Ambulance Nouveau-Brunswick
Ambulance NB primé pour la qualité de ses services - Acadie Nouvelle
Ambulance NB se distingue pour la qualité de ses services - ICI Radio-Canada
Ambulance NB gets top accreditation nod - Telegraph-Journal

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