Global study associates continuity of care with lower mortality rates

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Expérience des soins
juillet 04, 2018

Researchers from St. Leonard’s Practice and University of Exeter Medical School in Europe were able to determine the benefits of keeping the same doctor over time. They examined studies from countries such as Canada, England, France, U.S., and South Korea to explore the association between continuity of care and death. They found that over 80% of the subjects that stuck with the same doctor had reduced mortality risks, compared to those who switched doctors. They also discovered that those with the same healthcare professional over time were more likely to listen to advice, to be satisfied and to take preventative measures to protect their health, such as getting immunizations. The results were the same across countries and even for various types of specialists. Researchers comment that patients seeing the doctor of their choice wasn't only a matter of convenience, but "a matter of life and death."

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