CIHI: Health ministers approve indicators of access for mental healthcare, home & community care

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Expérience des soins
juillet 03, 2018

The federal, provincial and territorial health ministers endorsed common indicators to measure access to mental health and addiction services, as well as to home and community care. The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) says the pan-Canadian framework will enable it to conduct meaningful research into the following mental health and addictions metrics:

  • Wait times for community mental health services, referral/self-referral to services;
  • Early identification for early intervention in youth age 10 to 25;
  • Awareness and/or successful navigation of mental health and addictions services;
  • Rates of repeat ER and/or urgent care centre visits for a mental health or addiction issue;
  • Hospitalization rates for problematic substance use; and
  • Rates of self-injury, including suicide.

The following set of national data will be available for home and community care:

  • Wait times for home care services, referral to services;
  • Alternate level of care / Length of stay for inpatients requiring home care services;
  • Home care services - helped the recipient stay at home;
  • Caregiver distress;
  • (In)appropriate move to LTC; and
  • Death at home / Not in hospital.

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Une première au Canada : l’ICIS mesurera l’accès aux services en santé mentale et en toxicomanie, de même qu’aux services à domicile et en milieu communautaire - ICIS

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