Workplace survey finds job stress primary cause of employees' mental health issues

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Santé de la population
juillet 05, 2018

A white paper prepared by Morneau Shepell for the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) suggests depression and anxiety are the most prevalent of employees' mental health issues. It adds that the main cause for those problems are workplace stress. The white paper reports over half of employees are satisfied they can cope with mental health issues, citing mechanisms such as seeking professional help. However, the research also uncovered negative coping skills among workers, like alcohol and tobacco use. The white paper recommends two models for improving workplace mental health:

  1. A continual improvement or "plan-do-check-act" model focused on continual improvement, adjustment and evaluation; and
  2. A joint responsibility model in which employers and employees foster a healthy work environment through awareness, accountability and action.

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