Saskatchewan doctor's creative healthcare suggestions include new compensation models, increased rural services

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mai 23, 2018

Dr. Mark Brown, the former president of the Saskatchewan Medical Association, believes doctors should see fewer patients in a day, use technology to communicate with them and be compensated for their time. He also believes that, under the Canada Health Act, everyone should be entitled to the same level of care irrespective of where they live. He proposes doctors from urban centres should travel to rural communities. He also believes more resources should be allocated to regional hospitals and feels spending in community-based care results in fewer people going to ED. He also argues if patients are seen by family doctors who know their medical history, healthcare costs drop, and time is saved. Currently, most healthcare resources are allocated to hospitals, specialists and special investigations. He contends compensation needs to change so physicians are compensated for the time they see patients in the office and that this would include a blended model for any services offered beyond 9-to-5 office hours.

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