PwC report on U.S. health companies suggests they connect data about patient preferences, social circumstances

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Expérience des soins
mai 18, 2018

To reap the full potential of health consumer data, health companies in the U.S. should start connecting data about not just the patient encounter, but also the preferences and social circumstances shaping everyday healthcare-related purchasing decisions, according to this PwC Health Research Institute report. The report identifies three high-value customer experience initiatives for health companies:

  1. Choose the data cure for customer experience - Health sectors are also finding different data strategies such as using or becoming data hubs or aggregators and commercializing their own insights;
  2. Make the customer experience second nature for staff - Providing all staff members with tools and training can enable them to spend less time reviewing data and more time having meaningful conversations with patients. Digital platforms and automation becomes important on this front; and
  3. Unwire the experience - As more value is placed on convenient location and hours, the ability to see a provider quickly and lower-cost care options, the majority of patients will increasingly manage their health at home through pharma patient engagement services such as drug adherence programs and health management apps.

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