Video-based interpretation use in Mass. hospitals found to improve engagement and experience for patients with limited English proficiency

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Expérience des soins
mai 22, 2018

A Massachusetts-based community health system, Southcoast Health, is experiencing an increase in patients with limited English proficiency. It found the task of providing ample translation services challenging, especially for less common languages. In response, the health system implemented a video remote interpretation service from an app that connects providers to medical interpreters over video. Staff members were trained to use the video remote interpretation service from a company called Stratus Video. To access an interpreter, Southcoast providers open the app on their iPads and select the required language. With a 60-second wait, there is a live and medically qualified interpreter on the screen. Southcoast has seen the added benefit of visual cues, meaning communication happens more smoothly and efficiently than over the phone, reducing patient interaction times.

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