CIHI finds 25% of seniors prescribed 10 or more drug classes

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Santé de la population
mai 17, 2018

Data from CIHI show1.6 million seniors were prescribed 10 or more drug classes in 2016. The most commonly-prescribed medications are for treating high cholesterol, plus those for acid reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease and high blood pressure. CIHI also determines that 1.9 million seniors used at least one inappropriate drug in 2016. Some of the report's other findings include:

  • Women (37%) had higher chronic use of potentially inappropriate drugs, compared with men (30%);
  • Seniors living in low-income or rural/remote neighbourhoods were prescribed more drugs;
  • Older seniors (age 85 and older) used a higher number of drugs; and
  • On average, the use of antipsychotics (used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) and benzodiazepines (used for anxiety and insomnia) in LTC facilities declined since 2011.

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