University of Alberta study estimates cost of Canadians' eating habits on healthcare system at over $13B

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Santé de la population
mai 14, 2018

The study estimates Canadians’ unhealthy eating habits amount to an annual price tag of $13.8 billion in direct and indirect healthcare costs. The direct costs include visiting the doctor or hospital and medication, while indirect ones are measured in lost productivity from long- and short-term disability. The study showed how consuming different foods affect a person’s chance of contracting a chronic disease. The results showed poor food choices created almost as great an impact on the healthcare system as smoking does. It also showed $6.5 billion could be attributable to avoiding nuts, seeds and whole grains, and $1.9 billion to eating too much processed meats – the cost of which was more than twice that of sugar-sweetened beverages. The study’s author believes consumers still aren’t aware of the consequences of their eating habits.
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