National seniors’ strategy proposed to fix health system to reduce wait times

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mai 15, 2018

The Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen's University believes Canada’s health system is in dire need of an overhaul because health needs have changed, but the system hasn’t changed with them. He says wait times aren’t the core problem, but a symptom. The Moncton-born doctor believes the healthcare system isn’t investing federal dollars in a smart way. He instead blames the system (or "lack thereof") itself and highlights disconnects between bureaucracies, budgets, facilities and providers. He feels there needs to be an national seniors’ strategy to acknowledge the new healthcare landscape defined by multiple chronic diseases driven by an aging population. This strategy, he believes, would work to develop an integrated, transdisciplinary model of care and budgets would align with patient trajectories rather than with institutions or programs to allow smarter, more efficient spending.

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