Deloitte shares 10 case studies showing how to reduce low-value care, effectively use technology

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Expérience des soins
mai 11, 2018

The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions' list of 10 case studies looks at what's working globally to reduce low-value care, or patient care that provides no net benefit in specific clinical scenarios, spanning 10 organizations in five different countries. The studies highlight four avenues for reducing low-value care:

  1. Providing the right care: Curbing services that offer few or no patient benefits
  2. Delivering care in the right setting: Curtailing unwarranted emergency department utilization
  3. Delivering care safely: Tackling safety failures
  4. Providing care in the right way: Rooting out operational inefficiencies

The studies pinpoint where effective use of technology has made a difference, where emerging applications could make a greater impact in the future in terms of improving outcomes or reducing costs, and how simple ideas or process redesigns can reduce costs or improve outcomes when implemented effectively.

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