Alberta community paramedics pilot saves taxpayers $5M in healthcare costs

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avril 26, 2018

After a successful run in Edmonton and Calgary, this pilot project expanded to the Wetaskiwin-Camrose riding in February. The pilot had advanced care paramedics respond to over 200 calls to local seniors. Instead of sending an ambulance to take a senior from a care facility to the hospital for tests, a community paramedic makes a house call and runs them in their home. The cost savings are considerable, but it seems an important impact has been in the improved level of care. A local MLA believes the savings add up in each call. The most important one being the cost of an acute care bed occupied by a senior awaiting tests and results. These costs also take into account emergency room staff and savings related to sending a community paramedic to a home in an SUV instead of fully-loaded ambulance. 

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