CMAJ study associates home care visits with same-day emergency department use

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Expérience des soins
mai 01, 2018

Despite being highly used by older adults, most times, the emergency department isn't the ideal place for seniors to receive care. To support better care in the home, there have been calls to shift home care to a more comprehensive, team-based practice model. This is why the researchers analyzed the association between home care visits and same-day ED use among patients receiving publicly funded home care. Using a database from Ontario, it found patients receiving home care were more likely to visit the ED during the evening on days they received a nursing visit. Home care nursing visits were significantly associated with a greater likelihood of same-day ED visits after 5 pm in both long-stay and short-stay. In both patient groups, the effect was stronger in visits to the ED that didn’t result in a hospital admission. The researchers admit they’re still unsure how home care nursing visits are associated with ED use and other outcomes.

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