CIHI shows lower rates for hospital birth but higher percentage of women opt for C-section

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Expérience des soins
avril 19, 2018

Data from CIHI show that giving birth is the most common reason for hospitalization, with more than 366,000 births taking place in a hospital in the 2016-2017 fiscal year. However, the rate of babies born in hospital is falling: from 112 per 10,000 population in FY2007-2008 to 102/10,000 in FY2016-2017. At the same time, CIHI reports the rate of women opting for a C-section is growing: from 26.7% in FY2007-2008 to 28.2% in FY2016-2017. The institute also found that there were three million acute inpatient hospitalizations in Canada with an average stay of seven days. However, average length of stay ranged from 9.6 days in Manitoba and nine days in P.E.I. to 6.2 days in Ontario.

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