New Brunswick College of Psychologists suggest $4.1M/year would fix backlog for children in need of assessments

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Expérience des soins
avril 23, 2018

The New Brunswick College of Psychologists says children in need of psychological assessments face an estimated three-year wait. It believes that for $4.1 million a year, that backlog could be cleared in eight years. The group’s proposal highlights statistics that are in line with warnings coming from former school psychologists who moved to other jobs stating the poor levels of support they had. The paper says that almost 5% of students have a learning disorder and expects 350 new cases will enter the school system annually. The college's solution is to hire 20 private practice psychologists (10 to do assessments and 10 to work on treatment). It adds that, in N.B., two thirds of the 433 licensed psychologists work in private practice, where they bill between $150 and $200 per hour, compared to a public-sector average of $43 per hour.

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