CIHI report: Asthma hospitalizations down for children, rates remain higher for lowest-income neighbourhoods

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Santé de la population
avril 26, 2018

Asthma is one of the leading causes of hospital stays for people younger than 20, with more than 6,000 hospitalizations in 2015-2016. Through the past decade, hospitalization rates were about 1.5 times higher in lowest-income neighbourhoods compared with the highest-income neighbourhoods. In Nova Scotia and Ontario, these rates were significantly higher in urban than in rural/remote areas. Still, CIHI’s report found the rate of those younger than 20 being hospitalized for asthma was down by half over the past 10 years, dropping from 154 hospitalizations per 100,000 population to 75. CIHI highlights interventions to improve the management of asthma in children to reduce hospitalizations, such as clear communication between clinicians and parents about how to manage the condition and reduced exposure to second-hand smoke.

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