U.K. study warns obesity could overtake smoking in cancer death risk

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Santé de la population
mars 27, 2018

Cancer Research UK found smoking is the biggest avoidable cause of cancer, followed by excess weight, overexposure to UV radiation from the sun and sunbeds, drinking alcohol, eating too little fibre and outdoor air pollution. The research shows nearly 40% of all cancers diagnosed in the U.K. annually could be avoided through lifestyle changes. But experts warned that with smoking rates continuing to go down and rates of obesity on the increase, obesity could surpass smoking as the biggest killer. The research shows obesity causes 13 different types of cancer, including bowel, breast, womb and kidney, and more than one in 20 cases could be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight.
Relate News:
Royaume-Uni: le surpoids pourrait devenir la première cause évitable de cancer - La Presse

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