Ireland government orders hospitals to find 'compassionnate' national car parking guidelines

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mars 21, 2018

The country’s Minister for Health ordered a national review of hospital car parking charges to establish clear national guidelines in this area. Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE), responsible for health and personal social services, will engage with the Irish Cancer Society and other patient advocacy groups to take into account a variety of circumstances for patients, specifically if they require regular hospital trips. Some hospitals indicate they do provide free parking to cancer patients and other patients who had chronic long-term illnesses, but it was on an ad-hoc basis. Advocates are calling for a limit to be placed on weekly car parking charges so people attending hospitals regularly won’t pay additional fees for parking once the threshold is reached. This limit would also serve all patients with chronic long-term illnesses.
Related News:
Car parking charges: Are hospitals making a killing? - Irish Times

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