Patient complaints against doctors on the rise, Canadian Medical Protective Association suggests physicians improve communication skills

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Expérience des soins
mars 19, 2018

The medico-legal agency received 3,387 requests from members in 2016, that’s up from 1,983 in 2007. Most cases came from Ontario, but the CMPOA sees a rise across the board. It believes the numbers bring to light the extent of the pressure the profession is under, and how much patients are unhappy with the care. In most cases, communication was cited as a key issue. For example, patients said their physicians were rude, used a condescending tone or dismissed their concerns. In other cases, regulators found that patients didn’t understand or receive necessary information about treatments. The association recommends physicians improve their communication skills by focusing on patients as individuals, listening actively, expressing empathy and sharing decision-making.
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