MP town hall meetings detail how aging population requires national strategy

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mars 21, 2018

Member of Parliament (MP) Marc Serré is advocating for a National Seniors' Strategy to address the needs of elderly along the full continuum of care. Serré has been hosting forums across the country to discuss how the country can improve access to affordable housing, income security and overall quality of life for seniors. According to Statistics Canada, over 15% of the population at the last census was over 65. That number was 7.6% in 1960. Serré said by 2024 Canadians 65 and older will account for 20.1% of the population and by 2036 seniors are expected to make up 25% of the population. He said the country needs to plan ahead to ensure seniors are guaranteed a high quality of life and access to programs and services. Last year Serré made a private members motion, M-106, which contained four broad objectives. After the motion was adopted, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities began a study, Advancing Inclusion and Quality of Life for Canadian Seniors, which includes three major themes:

  1. Access to affordable and accessible housing, including aging in place;
  2. Income security for vulnerable seniors; and
  3. Community programs that promote social inclusion and recognize the social determinants of health.
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