Survey of Ontario parents finds obesity, mental health top health concerns facing school-aged children

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Santé de la population
mars 12, 2018

The survey by not-for-profit organization Ophea analyzes parental perspectives on health issues and the role schools play in supporting their children. It found Ontario parents believe that the province’s schools have an important role to play in the health and well-being of their children. It found that obesity (37%) and mental health (32%) were the top health issues identified facing Ontario children. It also points to significantly rising concerns about mental health (increase of 22%) and addiction (increase of 9%) since Ophea's last survey in 2010. In 2014, the Ontario government committed to encouraging 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children. The survey says 99% of parents strongly agree about the importance of that goal. However, it was found only one quarter of parents believe their children are active to that standard, and the reported level of physical activity declines with the age of the child.

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