Frost & Sullivan expects significant investments, innovation in patient over next four years

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Expérience des soins
février 22, 2018

Frost & Sullivan's Patient Safety in Healthcare, Forecast to 2022 predicts that patient safety will become a core value proposition for care providers over the next four years. The report identifies the biggest patient safety adverse events - as well as the greatest opportunities for investment - as being medication safety, antibiotic resistance, patient diagnostics safety, sepsis, cyber-security of medical devices and patient data privacy and unnecessary emergency department admissions. F&S adds that remote healthcare technologies, including the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), will lead to cybersecurity risks. The firm also suggests that incentives for increased attention to patient safety will grow through advancements in medical, surgical and patient care technologies, data integration in the areas of analytics, remote monitoring and surveillance, data interoperability and predictive analytics and newer technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and wearables.

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