No-frills micro-hospitals focused on fast, low-cost care trending in the U.S.

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Expérience des soins
mars 05, 2018

Micro hospitals are emerging in U.S. suburban and urban markets as a backup to community facilities and in regions where the demand doesn’t require full-sized hospitals. These facilities are considerably smaller than community hospitals and offer as few as eight beds. Through the use of technology and with shorter hospital stays, they aim to offer care at a lower cost for patients compared with traditional hospitals. They’re now in states such as Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Texas. Saint Luke's Health System in Kansas opened its own micro hospital. The micro facilities can treat gunshot wounds and high-risk pregnancies and patients usually wait no longer than 11 minutes, on average, before seeing a doctor. Emerus, a developer of micro hospitals, has 28 facilities in the U.S. and about 20 more under development. T

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