U.S. study finds lay-health workers significantly reduce readmission rates at rural hospital

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Expérience des soins
février 28, 2018

This is an example of a healthcare organization joining community workers to address population health and social determinants of health. U.S.-based Health Education Research found lay-health workers (LHWs) that addressed social needs affected readmission rates for a high-risk population at a rural community hospital in Kentucky. The study points to a 48% reduction of 30-day hospital readmissions for those in the program compared to patients that weren’t part of the program. The project assessed and developed a personalized social needs plan for patients that included transportation, identifying community resources and post-discharge follow-up calls. When adjusted for education, transportation and anxiety symptoms, researchers said there was a 77% decrease in odds of readmission for patients that were part of the program.

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