B.C. agency Foundry models one-stop-shop for youth mental healthcare

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Expérience des soins
février 27, 2018

Foundry serves as walk-in-clinics for young people to get their mental health needs met in one location. The model provides "wrap-around care" meaning patient receive all their needs and in one place, from counselling and medication to housing support. Patients aged 12 to 24 can walk into one of the centres and see a doctor, a counsellor or participate in peer support initiatives for free. The model, inspired by Australia’s Head Space, is unique in Canada, but the CAMH in Ontario is looking into opening nine similarly integrated hubs. Foundry’s funded by the B.C. government and by charitable organizations. It already opened several clinics across B.C. in 2017 and plans to add more in 2018. Foundry also launched a digital hub.

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