B.C. care providers recommend longer visits, care credits

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février 15, 2018

A paper from the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) suggests an additional investment on the part of the provincial government of $110 million would improve the quality of home healthcare in B.C. The association makes four main recommendations:

  • Longer home care visits: Increasing the minimum home care and home support visit times to at least an average of 30 minutes or higher, through an annual $50 million funding investment;
  • Care credits: The B.C. government should explore the feasibility of a care credit model in home healthcare to provide seniors with more care choices;
  • More preventative home care services for seniors aged 75+: Offering preventative home healthcare visits to people 75 and older on a proactive basis, to prevent premature frailty; and
  • An industry-led quality assurance standard: BCCPA recommends the development of a quality assurance model in the home healthcare sector, to ensure standards are met in all sectors and support agencies providing privately paid services.

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