Deloitte survey finds high number of U.S. hospitals recognize importance of social determinants of health, but lack ROI to spur investment

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Santé de la population
février 22, 2018

The Deloitte survey of hospitals and health systems in the U.S. found 88% support for, and recognition of, the importance of SDOH. It found they were screening for social needs, most often for inpatient (90%) and high-utilizer populations (83%). Value-based care participation appeared to be a factor as the more models a hospital was involved with, the more likely it was to measure additional social needs activities. On the flip side, Deloitte found too many of the activities were fragmented - only reaching targeted populations. Half of the hospitals reported directing their resources to the specific patient segments they served. The report’s four recommendations to better address health-related social needs include:

  1. Break down silos, consolidate resources. Health systems and hospitals should streamline screening tools across all departments and improve team communications;
  2. Move toward value-based models. Value-based models encouraged measuring more social needs;
  3. Improve the ability to track health and cost outcomes. Rather than relying on hospital-collected data from claims and patient intake forms, data from outside systems, like payers, community groups and the government, would offer a comprehensive picture of SDOH; and
  4. Share best practices. Respondents said knowing the ROI would spur investment, health systems need to share what’s worked and what hasn’t in venues like research forums or conferences.

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