Surgeons' program in the U.S. will prep seniors for surgery by getting them in shape

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Expérience des soins
janvier 31, 2018

In the week leading up to surgery, some hospitals in the U.S. are now prescribing that seniors exercise, eat healthy foods and minimize anxiety and stress. Research suggests these interventions can enhance seniors' readiness for surgery and potentially lead to improved outcomes. The American College of Surgeons plans to launch a countrywide effort to improve surgical care for seniors, with the goal of promoting and recognizing "centers of excellence in geriatric surgery". Evidence from Duke University's POSH (Perioperative Optimization of Senior Health) program demonstrated the value of prepping at-risk seniors for surgery, reporting that older adults who went through the POSH program before major abdominal operations spent less time in the hospital, were less likely to return to the hospital in the next 30 days and were more likely to return home without the need for home healthcare. They also had slightly fewer complications.

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