U.S. hospitals keep aging patients safe by sending them home and out of ERs with trained nurses

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février 05, 2018

About 100 hospitals in the U.S. opened geriatric emergency departments or trained ER teams in geriatrics care to be sure they’re not making older patients sicker. It’s part of a new approach for older patients as the country’s emergency departments try to adapt to serve the complex needs of an aging population. Early research from Chicago's Geriatric Emergency Department Innovations and from other hospitals is finding care from geriatrics-trained nurses in the ER can reduce the chances of a hospital stay after a patient's emergency visit for a month afterward. As part of the system, for example, a geriatric emergency nurse can organize home physical therapy for a patient, connect them with a nutritionist and speech therapist and invite church members to help with the resource planning. These teams can arrange home services such as light housekeeping or a break for a caregiver. The geriatric transitional care was found to reduce the risk of unnecessary admission of older patients at the hospital by 33%.

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