Survey finds patients and doctors rank compassion as most important element in healthcare

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Expérience des soins
février 08, 2018

This survey, from global digital health assistant technology company HealthTap, finds patient compassion is the most significant element in healthcare. Eighty-five percent of patients said compassion and listening carefully were very important to them while 31% consider cost as very important. The survey of doctors and patients found 89% of doctors reported that compassion was a very important part of delivering the best care. This trumps even the importance they place on education and up-to-date command of medical knowledge (86%). The survey also found patients valued short wait times more than doctors. Full results include:
From doctors:

  • 89% of doctors say compassion is very important.
  • 86% of doctors say being knowledgeable (scholarly, up-to-date command of medical knowledge) is very important.
  • 28% say short wait times are very important.
  • 16% say low cost is very important.

From patients:

  • 85% of patients say compassion and listening carefully are very important.
  • 85% of patients say being knowledgeable is very important.
  • 48% of patients say short wait time is very important.
  • 31% of patients say low cost is very important.
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