Global CIHI survey of seniors’ care experience and perceived health points to low satisfaction, but higher perceived health

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Expérience des soins
février 08, 2018

The global survey asked seniors about many aspects of their health care experience, from mental health and access to medical specialists, to quality of home care and end-of-life planning. The findings show 67% of Canadians age 65 and older are satisfied with the quality of their healthcare. CIHI says the average of the 11 countries is 76%, with Switzerland having the highest satisfaction, at 84%. Additional highlights (include chartbook and data tables) from the survey include:

  • A higher proportion of Canadian seniors (eight out of 10) rate their health as excellent, very good or good;
  • However, many seniors in Canada face problems with their health and well-being. A third live with at least three chronic conditions, 32% take five or more regular medications and 14% face a mental health problem such as depression or anxiety;
  • In the perceived quality of care, Canada continues to perform below the international average (76%), with only two-thirds of Canadian seniors (67%) being satisfied with the overall quality of the healthcare they received; and
  • In access to primary care, Canada also performs below the international average for timely access to primary healthcare (44%), with almost two-thirds (59%) of seniors unable to get a same- or next-day appointment.

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