N.L. first in Canada to implement Therapist Assistance Online for mental health services

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Expérience des soins
janvier 30, 2018

The e-health technology, used to treat students with mental health issues at Memorial University since 2015, is being offered throughout the province. The province is the first in the country to launch Therapist Assistance Online (TAO). The technology pairs online education materials and scheduled contact with a counsellor through a computer, tablet or smartphone. To sign up, people begin with a visit to a local community clinic where they’re assessed for TAO. Clinicians offer counselling through TAO online, in combination with face-to-face and online sessions, or as part of group therapy. TAO also provides ongoing training and consultation support for clinicians. In December, the Mental Health Commission of Canada was overseeing the scale up of an online mental health support system called Stepped Care 2.0, developed at Memorial University.

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