CMAJ: Canadian jurisdictions should follow U.S. example and increase incentives for doctors to work in underserved areas

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Expérience des soins
janvier 31, 2018

A report from the Association of American Medical Colleges suggests 24% of U.S.-trained physicians who completed their residency from 2007 to 2016 are practicing in underserved areas. Some states, it's noted, offer new doctors financial incentives to work in rural and inner city communities with low doctor-patient ratios. In Canada, only 8% of physicians worked in rural and remote areas in 2012, even though the federal government offers up to $40,000 in loan forgiveness to physicians performing 400 hours of service in designated communities. A spokesperson for the Canadian Federation of Medical Students points out some medical schools in the country offer rural clerkships but called on governments to provide more financial support to ensure more residents can pursue their training in rural areas.

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