Nfld. community first to embrace MHCC suicide prevention project

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Expérience des soins
janvier 22, 2018

Roots of Hope, a community-based suicide prevention project developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, will be initiated on the Burin Peninsula on the south shore of Newfoundland. The MHCC says the program has five main features:

  • Specialized supports: A range of prevention, crisis and postvention services such as crisis lines and support groups;
  • Training and networks: Access to training and learning opportunities to better equip professionals in the community such as physicians, first responders, nurses, HR staff and teachers;
  • Public awareness: Local information campaigns to promote mental health awareness;
  • Means restriction: Identify the methods or places where a high number of suicides occur and implement measures to restrict access to these methods; and,
  • Research: Increase the suicide prevention evidence base.

The project will roll out over the next five years with the provincial government contributing nearly $2 million. The MHCC states it'll develop recommendations on sustainable community suicide prevention based on the experience in Burin and share those insights with all provinces and territories.

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