B.C. report finds implementation of EHR on Vancouver Island, overbudget, mismanaged

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janvier 12, 2018

A report for the B.C. government finds that the implementation of an EHR system in Nanaimo is plagued by mismanagement and is at least $54 million over its initial budget of $173 million. The audit points to a "general climate of distrust" at the hospital played a part in the problems and the system was implemented despite the facility not being fully prepared for it. The IHealth system was introduced after the health authority decided in 2012 to expand its electronic health record system. The provincial health minister appointed a mediator to bring together all stakeholders in the project to resolve ongoing issues. Adrian Dix pledges that lessons learned from the mediated discussion in Nanaimo will inform a similar EHR implementation project for Vancouver Island's health authority.
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