U.K.’s Care Quality Commission increases scrutiny of online healthcare services and apps

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Expérience des soins
janvier 18, 2018

The U.K.'s Care Quality Commission (CQC) currently rates hospital care, social care and GPs. Under the new plan, it will rate 800 more providers who will be required to display their rating on their website or business premises. The latest plans indicate CQC’s determination to intensify its scrutiny of online healthcare services and apps provided by general practitioners. The move follows the U.K. Department of Health’s decision to broaden the CQC’s powers to rate and inspect independent healthcare providers, including cosmetic surgery providers, substance misuse care and abortion clinics. The CQC has already completed reviews of all online primary care providers and will publish a report this year. It estimates some online primary care providers were safe and effective, while others were found to be not be providing safe care.

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